Quick Connection. Immediate Protection.

Choose industry leading Pall Point-of-Use Filters as a Barrier Against Waterborne Microorganisms, including Legionella and Pseudomonas


• Pall Point-of-Use Water Filters contain double layer, 0.2 micron sterilizing grade membranes which act as a barrier to, and are validated for, removal of waterborne bacteria, protozoa, fungi and particles from the drinking water supply.  


• The filters are suitable for various uses including the provision of water for drinking, food production, personal hygiene, showering and bathing.  


• Pall Point-of-Use Water Filters can help reduce the risk of user exposure to biofilm, particulates and bacteria following engineering remediation measures by flushing water outlets into the installed filter devices.


Critical levels of contaminants

Immediate Solution

Filter delivery within 24 hours


Immediate protection

Emergency Outbreak Contact: 1-973-632-1920

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