








クラフトビール工場は、増加し続ける地域で年間 18,000 ヘクトリットルのビールを出荷しています。製品群は、ダークラガー、ペールラガー、ペールエール、スコットランドエール、季節限定ビールで構成されています。生産プロセスは、複数の発酵槽でのビール製造、遠心分離、簡単な粒子ろ過装置を用いた明るいビールタンクへのセット、ボトルや樽へのパッケージングから構成されています。


ある週末に、発酵開始から 48 時間後と 72 時間後に採取した発酵槽サンプルの寒天培地プレートが、数日間の培養後に汚染を示したという状況が発生しました。進行中の発酵バッチのための最善の処置を決定しながら、原因を特定し、理解するために直ちに調査行動が必要でした。典型的な発酵時間はビールの種類にもよりますが、2~5 週間の範囲であり、バッチの処分を早く決定できれば、醸造所の生産への影響を最小限に抑えながら、新しいバッチを早く開始することが可能になります。残念ながら、手元にある典型的な培養技術では、所見を確認して解釈し、関係する微生物のタイプを特定し、問題を正しく診断するために、さまざまなサンプリングから場所ごとの汚染結果を提供するために、数週間に及ぶ手間と時間のかかるプロセスを必要としていました。



問題のより迅速な調査を可能にするために、Pall GeneDisc システムが醸造所に提供されました。GeneDisc ラピッド マイクロバイオロジー システムは、リアルタイム PCR (ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応) ベースのプラットフォームで、サンプリング後わずか 2 時間で定性、自動解釈、定義された結果を提供し、必要に応じて濃縮ステップを実行します。このお客様のアプリケーションでは、汚染レベルが低いことが予想されたため、濃縮ステップが実施されました。是正措置を効果的に決定するために、問題のある微生物を特定する必要があったため、GeneDisc PCR システムは貴重なものでした。


2 日間で、発酵槽と酵母スラリーの管理、工場の洗浄 (CIP) とリンス水を含む 18 のサンプルを採取した結果、GeneDisc の結果と詳細な醸造所のウォークスルーを組み合わせることで、微生物の種類と汚染の原因を特定することができました。1つの発酵槽からのサンプルでは、義務的にビールを汚す菌であるラクトバチルス・ブレビスの存在が確認されましたが、他の4つの発酵槽からのサンプルではビールを汚す菌の存在は確認されませんでした。汚染の原因は発酵エリアにある長さ6インチの配管のデッドレッグであることが判明しましたが、これはバッチ間に適切に清掃されていませんでした。この配管は最近、プロセス内のエアースパージングポイントを変更したところに設置されていた。



調査開始から3日目に、配管の細部が修正され、工場管理者は影響を受けたバッチの処分を決定した。ビール以外のスポイラーの衛生指標バクテリアを含むバッチは、Pall Ultipor® N66カートリッジフィルター(AB*NB*BW*)で0.45ミクロンの膜ろ過を行い、ビールを微生物学的に安定した状態にしました。ウルティポールN66膜ろ過液は、ボトリング前の最終ろ過ステップとして実施されました。プリーツナイロンメディアを使用したUltipor N66シングルオープンエンドカートリッジフィルターは、ビールやその他の食品・飲料用途において、信頼性が高く、経済的で効率的な微生物の安定化が可能であることが実証されています。衛生的なFBTフィルターハウジングに取り付けて、ろ過バッチごとに温水またはその場蒸気で繰り返しサニタイズすることができ、長寿命化を実現します。節約されたビールの量は合計で350ヘクトリットル、年間生産量の約2%に相当します。このコスト削減よりもはるかに重要なのは、醸造所が生産量の大半をスケジュール通りに維持できたことです。影響を受けたすべてのバッチをやり直す必要に直面していたとしたら、生産が 2 ヶ月遅れてしまい、顧客への約束の供給が中断され、ネガティブなイメージが生まれていたでしょう。



GeneDisc PCR システムと Ultipor N66 微生物低減フィルターのデュアル ソリューションは、腐敗検出後にこれらの利点を提供しました。


  • 汚染源と関係する細菌の種類の迅速で有益かつ信頼性の高い根本原因分析
  • 問題の原因を除去し、悪影響を軽減するための迅速な是正措置
  • 。/li>
  • 明確な結果による迅速な意思決定により、醸造所は重要なバッチを 1 つだけ選択的に廃棄し、通常の操業を迅速に回復することができました。li>ろ過による製品の品質の修正により、醸造所は将来の問題を積極的に排除しながら、生産量の 2% を節約することができました
  • 経済的損失を最小限に抑えました
  • 工芸品醸造所の評判を維持しました


多くのクラフトビール醸造所では、各醸造所に固有のテスト プログラムを使用して、プロセス全体の診断ツールとして GeneDisc PCR ベースのモニタリングを導入しています。このシステムは、腐敗菌と腐敗酵母の両方を識別するのに適しています。このシステムは、現在実施されている検査プログラム、ハザード分析計画、汚染のトラブルシューティングに適合します。


Pall Corporation について

Pall Corporation は、世界的なろ過、分離、浄化のリーダーであり、ライフ サイエンスや産業界の幅広い分野の顧客の重要な流体管理のニーズを満たすためのソリューションを提供しています。また、お客様と協力して、健康、安全、環境に配慮した技術の向上に努めています。ポールフード&ビバレッジは、飲料・食品製造における製品の品質を確保し、プロセスの信頼性を維持するための製品とサービスを提供しています。また、当社のソリューションは、消費者保護、運用コストの削減、廃棄物の最小化にも役立ちます。

TFF Technology Increases Yield and Reduces Waste Streams

Up to 80% of the extract contained in the surplus yeast that collects at the bottom of tanks after fermentation and maturation can now be recovered rather than disposed of. Beer can be recovered and blended back into the brewing process at a ratio of up to 5% without negatively influencing the beer quality, increasing the yield and reducing the total beer volume needing to be produced. This represents a lower CO2 footprint, reduced water usage, and a lowering of production costs, plus the minimized waste stream reduces disposal costs and ensures a lower level of BOD’s and COD’s are returned back into the environment.
Up to 80% of the extract contained in the surplus yeast that collects at the bottom of tanks after fermentation and maturation can now be recovered rather than disposed of. Beer can be recovered and blended back into the brewing process at a ratio of up to 5% without negatively influencing the beer quality, increasing the yield and reducing the total beer volume needing to be produced. This represents a lower CO2 footprint, reduced water usage, and a lowering of production costs, plus the minimized waste stream reduces disposal costs and ensures a lower level of BOD’s and COD’s are returned back into the environment.

Craft Brewery Preserves Image and Limits Losses

Although beer is restrictive to bacterial growth due to its low pH, ethanol concentration, and low oxygen content, the presence of certain beer spoilage bacteria including Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Pectinatus, and Megasphaera can generate off-flavors, turbidity and acidity. Such quality deficiencies render the product unacceptable and often result in high economic losses and negative brand image. Throughout the production process, undesirable microbial contamination must be prevented to achieve the required final beer quality. Such contamination may originate from ingredients (including yeast), air and water utilities coming into contact with the product, and the environment.
Although beer is restrictive to bacterial growth due to its low pH, ethanol concentration, and low oxygen content, the presence of certain beer spoilage bacteria including Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Pectinatus, and Megasphaera can generate off-flavors, turbidity and acidity. Such quality deficiencies render the product unacceptable and often result in high economic losses and negative brand image. Throughout the production process, undesirable microbial contamination must be prevented to achieve the required final beer quality. Such contamination may originate from ingredients (including yeast), air and water utilities coming into contact with the product, and the environment.

Pall Aria™ System Rescues Bottled Spring Water Producer from Plant Closure

Spring water is a valuable natural resource, which requires good purification treatment before appearing on grocery store shelves as high purity, visually pleasing bottled product. Filtration is a key process step required to achieve consistently high product quality. The costs associated with filtration may be substantial, depending on source water quality. Disposable filters are a technically sound solution but their use may become economically unsustainable in the face of difficult or variable quality source water.
Spring water is a valuable natural resource, which requires good purification treatment before appearing on grocery store shelves as high purity, visually pleasing bottled product. Filtration is a key process step required to achieve consistently high product quality. The costs associated with filtration may be substantial, depending on source water quality. Disposable filters are a technically sound solution but their use may become economically unsustainable in the face of difficult or variable quality source water.

Microflow System Offers 10 Months Payback in Cheese Brine Purification

Salting by immersion in brine is used for many varieties of cheese worldwide. During repeated immersions fat, curd particles and microorganisms from the cheese plus the accumulation of proteins and other components builds up a nutrient-rich environment for the salt resistant microorganisms. Reused brine may then become a reservoir of unwanted microorganisms, such as gas- or pigmentproducing bacteria, yeast and mold, or salt resistant pathogens, cross-contaminating the cheese and impacting their quality. Good control of the brine and the brining operation is essential to ensure consistent daily production. Additionally, brine disposal is coming under increasing focus. High disposal costs or volume limitations in specific areas are driving the demand for greater brine reuse, to generate operating cost savings and minimize the plant environmental footprint.
Salting by immersion in brine is used for many varieties of cheese worldwide. During repeated immersions fat, curd particles and microorganisms from the cheese plus the accumulation of proteins and other components builds up a nutrient-rich environment for the salt resistant microorganisms. Reused brine may then become a reservoir of unwanted microorganisms, such as gas- or pigmentproducing bacteria, yeast and mold, or salt resistant pathogens, cross-contaminating the cheese and impacting their quality. Good control of the brine and the brining operation is essential to ensure consistent daily production. Additionally, brine disposal is coming under increasing focus. High disposal costs or volume limitations in specific areas are driving the demand for greater brine reuse, to generate operating cost savings and minimize the plant environmental footprint.

Distillers Improve Quality While Reducing Operating Costs with SUPRApak™ Technology

Filtration of spirits can be a challenging task. It is essential to remove contaminants that may cause turbidity while retaining the quality enhancing components in the product. Filter sheets are the traditional method for achieving this delicate balance. Sheets are comprised of a unique matrix of materials that provide an excellent combination of adsorption and depth filtration, making them an ideal solution for turbidity reduction and haze removal in spirits. Filter sheets are available in multiple grades to cover a wide range of applications from filtration of cordials to chill haze reduction in brown spirits to particle removal in white spirits. Additionally many plate and frame filter units have the flexibility to add or remove sheets to suit the batch size, flow rate or the specific product to be filtered.
Filtration of spirits can be a challenging task. It is essential to remove contaminants that may cause turbidity while retaining the quality enhancing components in the product. Filter sheets are the traditional method for achieving this delicate balance. Sheets are comprised of a unique matrix of materials that provide an excellent combination of adsorption and depth filtration, making them an ideal solution for turbidity reduction and haze removal in spirits. Filter sheets are available in multiple grades to cover a wide range of applications from filtration of cordials to chill haze reduction in brown spirits to particle removal in white spirits. Additionally many plate and frame filter units have the flexibility to add or remove sheets to suit the batch size, flow rate or the specific product to be filtered.

Fermentation Broth Clarification Systems for Food and Feed Ingredients Manufacturing

Producers of bulk food and feed ingredients such as amino acids, organic acids, and vitamins use fermentation as the basis of their production. Today’s modern industrial biotechnology processes use carefully selected and purified microbial cell cultures to produce an ever-increasing variety of ingredients and increase productivity. During fermentation, the microorganisms multiply in industrial bioreactors, utilizing a carbohydrate source for energy. The course of microbial growth progresses under well-controlled conditions of aeration, agitation rate, temperature, pH and other parameters. Fermentation can last from a few hours to several days. The metabolic end products produced by the microorganisms are the basis for many ingredients used today.
Producers of bulk food and feed ingredients such as amino acids, organic acids, and vitamins use fermentation as the basis of their production. Today’s modern industrial biotechnology processes use carefully selected and purified microbial cell cultures to produce an ever-increasing variety of ingredients and increase productivity. During fermentation, the microorganisms multiply in industrial bioreactors, utilizing a carbohydrate source for energy. The course of microbial growth progresses under well-controlled conditions of aeration, agitation rate, temperature, pH and other parameters. Fermentation can last from a few hours to several days. The metabolic end products produced by the microorganisms are the basis for many ingredients used today.

Cider Producer Maximizes Yield and Increases Capacity with the Oenoflow™ HS System

Filtration is a key operation in modern cider production to deliver visually bright and shelf stable product. Traditionally, cider clarification has been performed with diatomaceous earth or sheet based filtration technologies. However, with more favorable economics, easier operation and lower waste volumes, crossflow filtration systems like Pall’s Oenoflow XL system have become more widely adopted over the past decade.
Filtration is a key operation in modern cider production to deliver visually bright and shelf stable product. Traditionally, cider clarification has been performed with diatomaceous earth or sheet based filtration technologies. However, with more favorable economics, easier operation and lower waste volumes, crossflow filtration systems like Pall’s Oenoflow XL system have become more widely adopted over the past decade.

TAB Filtration Significantly Improves Ready to Drink Tea Quality and Yield

Ready to drink tea, fruit juices and drinks, carbonated soft drinks, and other beverages are subject to spoilage due to the presence of heatresistant, acidophilic bacterial spores (TAB). The thermoacidophilic spores may originate either from exposure to agricultural raw materials such as in fruit juice production, or from contamination in the beverage ingredients, such as sweeteners, juice and tea concentrates, or flavors, essences, and colors from natural extracts.
Ready to drink tea, fruit juices and drinks, carbonated soft drinks, and other beverages are subject to spoilage due to the presence of heatresistant, acidophilic bacterial spores (TAB). The thermoacidophilic spores may originate either from exposure to agricultural raw materials such as in fruit juice production, or from contamination in the beverage ingredients, such as sweeteners, juice and tea concentrates, or flavors, essences, and colors from natural extracts.

Cross-flow Lees Filter Experience Delivers Efficiency and Economy at Yalumba

Recovery of wine from lees represents one of the most challenging forms of filtration faced by wineries. The high concentration and variability of the suspended solids limit the suitable filtration technologies, while strict environmental regulations and sustainability programs are increasing pressure to reduce waste volumes. Traditionally, lees filtration is performed with filter aid based systems like rotary vacuum drum (RVD) or chamber press filters. While these systems typically have good volumetric recovery of the wine from the solids, there are some inherent drawbacks that can affect wine quality. The open design allows for oxygen pick-up and the recovered wine often needs further processing. The wine is typically downgraded in value and used in blends instead of added back to the original batch.
Recovery of wine from lees represents one of the most challenging forms of filtration faced by wineries. The high concentration and variability of the suspended solids limit the suitable filtration technologies, while strict environmental regulations and sustainability programs are increasing pressure to reduce waste volumes. Traditionally, lees filtration is performed with filter aid based systems like rotary vacuum drum (RVD) or chamber press filters. While these systems typically have good volumetric recovery of the wine from the solids, there are some inherent drawbacks that can affect wine quality. The open design allows for oxygen pick-up and the recovered wine often needs further processing. The wine is typically downgraded in value and used in blends instead of added back to the original batch.